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Thoughts & Inspiration

He Said Stop.

Last week during my weekly meeting with my incredible discipler she was given a sweet piece of wisdom from the Lord that might have sounded controversial in our little community of processors. She encouraged me to stop processing. To go out and enjoy life, to have fun, to laugh. As she said this I started to get a little uncomfortable. I love processing. In an effort to figure out my life I have resorted to picking apart my life, of picking apart myself. Writing it all out in my journal and make connections between my junk and the areas of growth that are so needed.That morning before I walked out the door to meet with her I grabbed by journal and bible “just in case” knowing that I didn’t need those things to sit and have a conversation with a friend. But I did it anyway.

When I went home I didn’t know that the Lord had my weekend already planned out. There would be no picking apart my life and myself this weekend. I went to stay at another CGA house for the weekend to get away from my room of solitude and live life a little bit. I left Gainesville for the first time in three months, ate homemade tortillas, laughed and danced, and got to know several of my CGA friends and it was great! Just what I needed and I am all the better for it. 

On Sunday three of us got in the car to go to church in Clarkston and on the way home we got a flat tire. As we stood on the side of the road awkwardly waiting for the tow truck one of my friends said “maybe we should ask the Lord why we are out here…”

So we did. We had a spiritual moment on the side of the freeway and gues what? Jesus spoke to us. (Shocking right)


He said STOP. 


It was very loud and urgent. As Emma started to talk about what she was hearing from the Lord it resonated with what I was feeling and what I heard from the Lord. My own life seems chaotic lately with ending the semester. 

Sometimes Jesus intervenes in our perfectly planned Sunday afternoons to encourage us to lift our eyes to him. To be reminded that he is in control. The next few weeks are going to be packed full of final projects, goodbyes, packing, and traveling home. We are all planning things and moving on with our plans. Before the craziness sets in it might be good to ask him what his plan is and how we can partner with him.

Also we worshipped to this song over and over in the car and on the side of the road. It brought us so much comfort and encouragement.